Hi Everyone,
I can see the light....no literally! I have finally shipped enough hearts and heart projects out of my studio that the light is shinning in my room again...Hurray!
As I sit here in my brown uggs, my black yoga pants and a long sleeve grey t-shirt and stare at this ...

on my computer...I realize I need a serious catch up day to wash laundry, organize/clean my computer files, and then step away and maybe take a hike, yes again literally, somewhere :)
Before I do those things, I did want to share these things
My Studio re-inspire project: As you may recall, I was doing a re-inspire project to my crafty space. I claimed it was to make more room for books but it didn't actually work as planned. Oh well, I am liking the changes, it's something new to draw my attention to and keep me dreaming about crafting new things and it does give me more storage.

The main wall of storage, my recent book purchases are now under the globe, and the others, on the bottom shelf.

The two new focal points that are cheery and make me smile. The suitcase on the right holds my ATC collection but I may need a bigger one soon! The Wales Starbucks cup is from my friend Gayle, and on the left some bright and cheery flowers, glass candle holders and a lovely new tray I will use to snap pictures.

The shelf above my window, I gained some storage here with another new suitcase and the New York storage box on the left, also a few hollow books, great for hiding all my secret money :)

The entire storage space, I bought this years ago at Ikea, great store! The storage boxes are all from there as well. I was lucky enough to adopt some stock photo books from an old Ad agency I worked for, I really need to cut them up and play! The two fabric teal boxes hold my Jewelry making materials and yes, more beads :)
Next up: My favorite picture I took this week; the 85 lb. lovable Princess Layla

One last thing,
I wanted to mention our Create a Heart Challenge over at the Scrappy Tree, there are two days left to join in and a few details below. Follow the link and to post your project, go to the bottom of the post and use the inLinkz add link option, I hope to see you there, the prize is AWESOME!
In typical Scrappy Tree fashion, we don't want to hinder your creative flare, so create a Heart Project, of ANY KIND and upload it here to submit Or to our
Scrappy Community site, under, Challenge for Charity Group. The contest will close February 13th at 10:00pm PST.
Now the awesome prizes: First The Scrappy Tree will donate $50 dollars in your name to Save the Children- Haiti Relief.
Next, we will brag about you a lot :) But wait, there's more...
And Charee and Diane over at Graphic 45 have generously pulled together some of their awesome product to shower on the winner, see the pics below:

There are two 12 x 12 Pattern paper stacks, a cool envelope mini journal book and some of the coolest new embellishments, chipboard buttons, graphic 45 style paper flowers and beautiful ribbons and lace.
~ Our auction is still going online, through the end of Feb. We have been very lucky, some awesome Artists and Crafters have donated their projects to benefit Save the Children, and so far we have raised over $300 bucks, yeah!
~It's not too late to donate your project, contact us via email at thescrappytree@hotmail.com, with your name, and details of your project, including size, color, etc. and attach a few pictures.
I should be done dealing with hearts soon, I can't wait to catch up on all of my blog reading, I really miss all the inspiration I get from all of you.
If I don't make it back until after, what I now refer to as "the heart holiday", I wish you all a lovely Valentines Day with your loved ones :)
Thanks for stopping by,